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Miss You Like Crazy!!!!

I used to call you my love
I used to call you my friend
I used to call you the love
The love that I never had
When I think of you I don't know what to do
When will I see you again

I miss you like crazy
Even more than words can say
I miss you like crazy
Every minute of everyday
My love, I'm so down
When your love's not around
I miss you, miss you, miss you
I miss you like crazy

You're all that I want
You're all that I need
Can't you see how I feel
Can't you see that my pain's so real
When I think of you I don't know what to do
When will I see you again
I miss you....

 Tersentuh tengok cerita Sumpahan Bunian kat TV9..Tiba-tiba jadi rindu sangat kat husband taty hehehehe (jiwang la pulak). Diam tak diam dah sebulan tak jumpa my husband, last jumpa 27 September 2009 masa raya la bila lagi huuhuhuhu. Handphone husband pun tengah rosak sekarang ni so dah seminggu lebih jugakla kami tak dapat nak sms dan gayut huhuhu.Pastu husband agak busy pulak sekarang ni...jadinya dia tak dapat balik johor, maybe akhir bulan depan kot...bertambah-tambah rindu la nampaknya (oopss.. terlebih sudah!!)

Buat suamiku Mohd Arzaiee Abd Razak, semoga abang berada didalam lindungan ALLAH tak kira dimana pun abang berada dan doa ayang sentiasa mengiringi abang. Somaga ikatan suci yang terjalin ini kekal selamanya dan mendapat rahmat dari yang ESA..Aminnn...


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